Thursday, October 27, 2016

Burrows Cave and the Michigan Slates

Burrows cave and the Michigan slates both use the mystic symbol. Burrows cave is 1rst century, the slates are from the 3rd - 4th century. Portrait of a warrior in a bird helmet from Burrows cave. The leaders drawn on the slates all wear bird helmets. Look at the military leaders at the base of this slate, (click to enlarge) the first one wears a bird helmet with a plume. This ostrich plume identifies him as being from north Africa - Tunisia. This is where the Burrows cave group is from. Both groups use the mystic symbol and wear bird helmets. The third figure appears to be Asian as is the man between the bishop and the Indians with bows and arrows in the scene. Is this our artist and Asian calligrapher? The text slate published next to the slate above, note the pen point with the mystic symbol. This is the only text slate that shows his pen. The mystic symbol seen on another slate. Zenobia of Palmyra who had a Manichaean monastery in her kingdom, the religion followed her when she ruled Egypt. The Manichaeans had a very active missionary outreach, their influence stretched from the Mongolian desert to Egypt - hence the Mongolian and the Oriental glyphs on the slates. This group was later persecuted and fled following the Phoenicians who led them to Michigan. Zenobia said that she was of Ptolemaic blood.

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