From the Michigan slates collection, a subject from Burrows cave - Cleopatra Selene. Here we see her funeral and her funerary elephant. This was drawn centuries after the fact, but it identifies this group as being from north Africa - they were Phoenician Carthaginians like the Burrows cave artists.

Gnostic dualism, more specifically, Persian dualism. The Manichaeans were known for creating books of drawings that illustrated their dualistic doctrine for those who do not read their language. On the slates we have the drawings and the explanations. The Burrows cave group had a different alphabet. They both use the mystic symbol written in Mesopotamian wedge writing - cuneiform, I think that mark may refer to their country like a flag would.

Dualism - their doctrine of the Son of the Right Hand and the Son of the Left Hand. The Cathars of southern France were also Manichaean in origin and had the same organization of the "Perfects" and the lower members who reproduced and farmed.
"The Knights Templar: The Mystery of the Warrior Monks"
... of the earlier Manichaean stream of Christianity, to which the Templars were connected...
East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500
... Albigensian heresy in that both were distant offshoots of Persian Manichaeism. ... by an organization of German warrior monks, the Teutonic Order of Knights...

The fortress castle of the Cathars, Montsegur.

Reconstructed model.

The Cathars in Europe, notice how their origin arrow has a question mark. Their origins were in the east, in Persia and Manichaean Turfan - the Mongolian desert.

Cathar country - Occitania and Northern Spain.